T+2 to T+1, Upstream’s global market is already at T+0 trading and settlement

Experience the Future of trading with Upstream’s T+0 Settlement Times  By Fernanda De La Torre  As of May 28, 2024, Nasdaq and other U.S. capital markets have transitioned to a T+1 settlement cycle for securities trading. 1 This means that trades of stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), corporate bonds, and other securities now settle in one […]Continue Reading

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Factors to consider before dual listing your company

How does Upstream, a MERJ Exchange market, address common hurdles issuers face when dual listing By Fernanda De La Torre and Vanessa Malone In recent discussions, we’ve delved into the strategic benefits that dual listing offers to companies aiming to appeal to international investors. This week, we’re shifting our focus to the essential factors that […]Continue Reading

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Leveraging Dual Listing to Attract International Investment

By Anastasia Samaras Imagine you’re a growing company with a bright future. You’ve captured the attention of domestic investors, but there’s a whole world of potential investors out there. Diversifying your investor base is a key strategy for public companies but how do you work to accomplish this? Dual listing can be your passport to […]Continue Reading

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Upstream Up Close: Introducing Upstream Accelerate

Raise sponsorship by selling digital collectibles By Fernanda De La Torre This week, The Upstream team hosted the 13th episode of their “Upstream Up Close” series on Twitter Spaces. This ongoing series features 10–15 minute discussions on the exciting world of digital collectibles, Web3, and trading on Upstream, a MERJ Exchange market. We took look […]Continue Reading

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Introducing Upstream’s dual listing issuer: PetVivo Holdings, Inc.

Broadening investor access on Upstream’s Global Securities Trading App By Fernanda De La Torre This week, we announced PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: PETV & PETVW) (“PetVivo”) live dual listing on Upstream under the ticker symbol ‘PETV’. The dual listing on Upstream works to provide digital-first investors around the world with streamlined access to PetVivo shares […]Continue Reading

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Upstream Announces Exchange Dual Listing Program for 2024

Upstream working to create economic development for foreign exchanges and their issuers with streamlined dual listings on Upstream’s global trading app By Fernanda De La Torre As it stands today, it is difficult for international investors to buy U.S. and Canadian listed securities. Retail investors outside the U.S. and Canada don’t typically have streamlined access to […]Continue Reading

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Reach a global audience: Upstream invites ASX and NSX issuers to dual list

Australian issuers are invited to dual list on Upstream, the next-generation exchange and retail securities trading app By Fernanda De La Torre Are you an Australia-based issuer seeking to expand your reach to a global audience? Are your current roadshows not generating the desired results? Retail investors outside Australia often face challenges in purchasing securities […]Continue Reading

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Smart contracts = smart upgrades to the current trading ecosystem

An Upstream Up Close recap taking an in-depth look at smart upgrades and the impacts it can have on the current trading ecosystem By Anastasia Samaras This week, the Upstream team published the 10th episode of their Twitter (X) Spaces series, ‘Upstream Up Close’, featuring 10–15 minute conversations about NFTs, blockchain, and trading on Upstream. […]Continue Reading

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Upstream: Experience a next generation trading venue with real-time trades and settlements

Elevate your trading experience and the trading experience for your digital-first investors with instant trades and settlements By Fernanda De La Torre Current inefficiencies with stock settlements today In the world of financial markets, settlements are the crucial finalization of trades, involving the transfer of ownership and payment between buyers and sellers. Traditionally, this process […]Continue Reading

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Upstream Announces Policy Change that will Discontinue Securities Trading Access for U.S. Individuals

Updates to ERL share distribution process for U.S. shareholders November 1, 2023 / Upstream, the global trading app for stocks and NFTs powered by Horizon Fintex (“Horizon”) and MERJ Exchange Limited (“MERJ”), in response to the current regulatory landscape in the U.S., has decided to suspend the ability for U.S. individuals to engage in securities […]Continue Reading

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