Women in Technology

By Sandra Quinn On Thursday last, as the world recognised the contribution of women to various sectors and industries in celebration of International Women’s Day, it got us here in Horizon Globex thinking about whether or not there should be more women in technology. Like most sectors rooted in science, mathematics and engineering, technology is […]Continue Reading

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How the Blockchain Can Help You in Business?

By Sandra Quinn At the moment, the blockchain is one of the most frequently covered items in the media when it comes to tech trends and that is not going to change any time soon. In our weekly Sunday blog, we recently looked at some of the terms used when talking about blockchain and broke […]Continue Reading

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Globex Call Connecting Irishman Down Under to Family in Ireland

By Sandra Quinn Being away from home is a hard thing for anyone, but for those who have family thousands of miles away it is even harder and without the advancements in online communication, many of these people would not want to pursue a life so far away from all that is familiar. Ciaran Carolan, […]Continue Reading

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A Cure For Gas – Optimising an Ethereum Contract

By Dr. Andrew Le Gear In the previous blog [here] we described an attempt at creating a notarisation solution using Ethereum, which concluded that storage on the Ethereum blockchain was simply too expensive to make the business viable. However, there was still hope!  We continued to alter the original smart contract and eventually arrived at […]Continue Reading

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What Does Blockchain Really Mean?

By Sandra Quinn Blockchain, Ethereum, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency – these are the current buzz words for anyone involved in technology, investment or current business trends, but what do these words mean to the rest of us and are they relevant? The short answer is yes, they certainly are relevant and like anything, if you want […]Continue Reading

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Is Love on the Horizon for you this Valentine’s Day?

By Sandra Quinn As Valentine’s Day looms, those in relationships agonise over what to give their other half to show them how much they mean to them and those who are on the cusp of making a relationship official are struggling to find something small, yet meaningful, to give to their partner. What if, for […]Continue Reading

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Horizon Launch’s Blockchain Notarization App

By Sandra Quinn “Crypto Valley” Zug, Switzerland – Feb/8/2018 – Horizon Globex, a leading specialist in Blockchain software, today announced the launch of its Ethereum blockchain Chat-Notarization app, Notar.ie. The Horizon technology certifies the authenticity of on-the-record online conversations, as witnessed, digitally signed and time-stamped blockchain truths. Notor.ie notarizes attribution, time and content, using independently […]Continue Reading

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How Some Technology Can Help Children to Develop and Learn?

By Sandra Quinn Technology is often lauded as the big bad monster when it comes to family life and the development and education of a child, but sometimes there are two sides to this coin and the other side is often hidden from view. There have been a number of studies to prove that technology […]Continue Reading

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Are Smart Phones Negatively Impacting on Young People’s Mental Health?

By Sandra Quinn For the past quarter of a century, Dr. Jean Twenge has been conducting research into generational differences and the impact that technology is having on society’s young people. Her findings have been both terrifying and worrying, as she has revealed that an increase in mobile phone use has caused a surge in […]Continue Reading

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Horizon Globex is Ahead of the Tech Game

By Sandra Quinn When this writer first heard she was about to see ‘the rig’ in the Horizon Globex offices in the University of Limerick, she imagined a picture of something like an oil rig. She had images in her head of something big, awkward, impressive and imposing. She was not expecting what she saw […]Continue Reading

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